Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

Our Unique Early Years Foundation Stage

The team strive to provide the very best start to your child’s education experience here.  We balance the needs to children to explore, learn and be nurtured while developing strong healthy life habbits and emotional intelegence.  Each learning opportunity is carefully designed to meet the needs of all of our children, enabling a strong foundation for further knowledge and skills to be build upon as they progress through their school years.


What are we learning?

If you require any further information or paper copies, please contact Mrs Railton our EYFS Lead via the school office on 01925 266764 or email appletonthorn_primary@warrington.gov.uk

Extra Special at Appleton Thorn

Year 6 Buddies

Weekly Forest School Sessions

High Quality learning – indoors and out

‘Play is the highest form of research’ – Albert Einstein

‘EYFS environment, like the rest of the school, is calm.  In continuous provision, children are well supported to develop language through diverse and highly stimulating indoor and outdoor resources with clearly designated areas. They are collaborative, happy and relaxed with adults and each other in varied literacy, numeracy, construction and motor skills activities.  The outdoor area is well-resourced and organized to support children’s learning.’ 

‘The EYFS curriculum is stimulating, matches children’s interests and ensures that gaps in children’s skills and knowledge, particularly in phonics, are diminished.’

‘Stimulating indoor and outdoor resources with clearly designated areas enable varied literacy, numeracy, construction and motor skills activities.  Children are collaborative, happy and relaxed with adults and each other. They are genuinely pleased to share their learning, for example when making daffodils or observing tadpoles and explaining the life cycle of a frog!’

School Review Report 2019- Independent School Inspector 

Snapshots Of Our Early Years Learning Environment

More Information