School Vision, Values and Mission Statement
About Us and Our Vision
We are a lively and friendly primary school set in the village of Appleton Thorn, five miles from Warrington town centre. We have a very clear and important vision for our school which is:

Strengthening our partnership with parents and carers, establishing further links with pre-school settings, other primary and secondary schools, taking the school into the community and bringing the community into the school; we are a gateway to the world, locally, nationally and globally.
A school full of students and staff who are independent learners, working collaboratively, understanding the process of learning, thinking and decision making; striving to be the best that we can be.
At the forefront of information, communication and technological advances, equipping all our learners with the attitudes, attributes and skills to succeed in a complex and ever changing world.
Developing a rich, stimulating environment and climate in which ideas and enthusiasm flourish, and risk-taking is supported in all aspects of school life – creativity in the curriculum, school organisation, use of the facilities and leadership at all levels.
We hope you share this vision and, if your child is to join us for the first time, we welcome you as parents / carers and look forward to a happy and successful association over the coming years. For those who already have children in the school, we look to strengthen our partnership for the benefit of your children.
Our Values
The values of our school are reflected in our mission statement and aims. We work hard to create a culture in our school where every individual feels valued, supported and able to achieve his or her very best. Together with individual achievement, the whole school community is very important to us which is why we have the school motto:
Individuals achieving
Our community succeeding
As parents you are vital in this community as are the Governing Body, the PTA, The Challenge Academy Trust and the surrounding community of Appleton Thorn.
Our Ethos and Mission Statement
Through the commitment and dedication of everybody at Appleton Thorn Primary School, we strive to achieve our full potential and respect everybody as individuals whilst aspiring to become valued members of our unique and happy community.
Our School Code and Home / School Agreement
Please clink here to view our code and agreements