Summer Term's Learning

EYFS Garden Detectives!
Children are leading their learning through their own discoveries of the natural environment this term. This will include the life cycle of butterflies, plants and other insects. Please click here for details in all 17 areas of learning.
Year 1 - Dinosaurs
This term our history study focuses on the inspirational Mary Anning. And through her discoveries, the names of geographical features of our landscape.
Our English Texts include: Gigantosaurus, Tyrannosaurus drip, Dear Dinosaur (fiction) , Stomp, Chomp, Big Roars, Here Come the Dinosaurs (poetry) and dinosaur fact files (non-fiction).
End of year writing expectations can be found here.
End of year reading expecatations can be found here.
Maths skills and knowledge this term can be found here and Our Calculation Policy can help you support your child at home.
End of year maths expectations can be found here
The Science focus is: Plants
PE: Gymnastics and athletics
View your child's full summer term ambitious curriculum here.

Year 2 - What's in my world?
The wonderful books by Anthony Browne inspire our children's love of stories and writing this term. These link nicely with study of the history of Appleton Thorn and our local area. Which includes a visit to Dunham Massey.
End of year writing expectations can be found here.
End of year reading expecatations can be found here.
Maths skills and knowledge taught this term can be found here and Our Calculation Policy can help you support your child at home.
End of year maths expectations can be found here.
Science: plants and animals in their habitats, including micro-habitats
PE: Athletics & striking and fielding
View your child's full summer term ambitious curriculum here.
Year 3 - Ancient Greece
This term the children will make links with the historical periods studied already and comparing the way of life with the Ancient Greeks. Which includes a visit to Warrington Museum.
End of year writing expectations can be found here.
End of year writing expectations can be found here
End of year lower ks2 reading expecatations can be found here.
Maths skills and knowledge this term can be found here and Our Calculation Policy can help you support your child at home.
End of year maths expectations can be found here
Science: plants and animals in their habitats, including micro-habitats
PE: Athletics & striking and fielding
View your child's full summer term ambitious curriculum here.
Year 4 - Vikings
This term the children are imersed in the history of the Vikings, making connections with past learning. Including a focus on design and tecknology and enriched with Forest School learning, making traditional Viking Tools for example.
End of year writing expectations can be found here.
End of lower key stage 2 reading expecatations can be found here.
Maths skills and knowledge this term can be found here and Our Calculation Policy can help you support your child at home.
End of year maths expectations can be found here.
Science: plants and animals in their habitats, including micro-habitats
PE: Athletics & striking and fielding
View your child's full summer term ambitious curriculum here.
Year 5 - Crime and Punishment
Children this term will delve into the British Values of Justice within the Crime and Punishement theme, supported by a range of PSHE resources.
End of year writing expectations can be found here
End of upper key stage 2 reading expectations can be found here
Maths skills and knowledge this term can be found here and Our Calculation Policy can help you support your child at home.
End of year maths expectations can be found here
Science: Properties and Changes of Materials
PE: Athletics & Outdoor Adventurous Activities
View your child's full summer term ambitious curriculum here.
Year 6 - Putting the ‘Great’ back in Britain
Children will study post war Britain with a focus on the late 20th Century including the 1980's. The book Time Travelling with a Hamster is a wonderful lead into this time period.
End of year writing expectations can be found here.
End of year reading expecatations can be found here.
Maths skills and knowledge this term can be found here and Our Calculation Policy can help you support your child at home.
End of year maths expectations can be found here.
Science: plants and animals in their habitats, including micro-habitats
PE: Athletics, Dance & Outdoor Adventurous Activities
View your child's full summer term ambitious curriculum here.