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School Uniform


Wearing of school uniform shows the commitment to the school’s aims and values as set out in the Home School Agreement.

Our uniform is grey skirt / trousers / pinafore dress, dark green sweatshirt / cardigan and white polo shirt (branded or generic). Girls may wear green gingham dresses during the summer term. Children may change into training shoes at playtime but must wear smart, sensible black school shoes at all other times. The wearing of jewellery, other than small studs / sleepers and watches, is not allowed.

For PE all children require green shorts and a yellow T-shirt. For indoor PE, children may have bare feet or wear light plimsolls. Children in Key Stage 2 will need warmer PE clothes and training shoes for outdoor activities.

Our current supplier is Touchline Embroidery in Warrington. Uniform items may be ordered at Touchline's uniform shop, online or through school.

Second Hand Uniform is available from our PTA run pre-loved shop via this link or by contacting the PTA directly at atppta.uniform@gmail.com

Stikins Name Labels

Stikins Name Labels - order these name labels for yor child's clothes, shoes, lunch boxes and any other school items they simply stick in and stay in - no sewing or ironing needed. Visit their website: https://www.stikins.co.uk/ and quote school code 680 and you can raise much needed funds for our School. Thank you. The PTA

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