Absence Request Form
Any time off school is going to negatively impact on your child's education. However, we are aware there are some exceptional circumstances where a child has to be absent from school. Where the school feels there is a genuine reason for a child to be absent you will be granted an authorised absence. Almost without exception holidays taken during term time will be classed as an unauthorised absence and repeated unauthorised absences will be passed to the Local Authority Attendance and in some cases Social Services. Appleton Thorn Primary School has an excellent attendance record and we appreciate the parental support which enables this to happen.
Medication Form
There may be times that you want the school to administer medication for your child. On very rare occasions it might be necessary for your child to carry their own medication and self administer. The documents below set out the information the school needs to allow either of these things to happen. The forms are also in the office foyer.